Fruit consumption in excess can be harmful to these organs….

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Fruits are a good source of water and nutrients, and they are also part of a healthy and balanced diet. Fruits contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and they are also a good source of fibre. Some of the fruits can help lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and even help you lose weight. Excessive fruit consumption, on the other hand, can be hazardous to a few body organs. It is recommended that you consume 400 grams of fruit per day. 

According to a study, the fructose present in most fruits is harmful to the body.


It causes the body to store extra fat. If its concentration rises, it has an effect on various body organs. It can be extremely harmful to diabetic individuals. Fructose is a form of natural sugar present in a variety of fruits, vegetables, fruit juices, honey, and other foods. Fructose is abundant in fruits such as sugarcane, beet, corn, apple, banana, grape, pear, and apricot.

Excess fructose in the body is converted to fat. This additional fat builds up in the liver, causing Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). Every year, 20% of NAFLD cases in the world’s population are recorded. It is a prevalent type of liver disease. The main cause of this condition is fructose. Excessive fructose consumption can potentially induce liver inflammation.


Excess fructose consumption has been demonstrated in recent studies to be detrimental to brain health. It causes neuroinflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction in the brain, and oxidative stress. Excessive fructose consumption over time can impair the brain’s ability to operate. 

According to research, eating too much fructose can cause insulin resistance, obesity, and have a negative impact on heart health. Continuous fructose eating disrupts the balance of the leptin hormone, resulting in fat buildup in the body.

It also raises the amount of glucose in the body. It raises the level of triglyceride fat in the body, which is deposited in the liver.