Facts you need to know about Cod-Liver Oil!

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Cod liver oil can be obtained through the consumption of fresh cod liver or through supplementation. It contains vitamins A and D as well as omega-3 fatty acids.

Certain “fatty acids” found in cod liver oil prevent blood from clotting quickly. These fatty acids also help to alleviate inflammation and pain.

There is no good scientific evidence to support the use of cod liver oil for heart health, depression, arthritis, and a variety of other illnesses.

Triglycerides, or blood fats, are likely to be reduced. In those with high triglyceride levels, taking cod liver oil by mouth can reduce triglyceride levels by 20% to 50%.
High blood pressure may benefit from this treatment. In persons with mild high blood pressure, taking cod liver oil by mouth appears to drop blood pressure (both values) by a small but significant amount.
Type 2 diabetes patients with kidney dysfunction. Cod liver oil appears to lower protein in the urine, a sign for the severity of kidney disease.
Osteoarthritis treatment may be ineffective.
Family history of cholesterol disease (familial hypercholesterolemia).

Cod liver oil is probably safe for most individuals when taken by mouth. Heartburn, stomach distress, and nausea are all possible adverse effects. High dosages of cod liver oil may be dangerous. They may prevent blood from clotting, increasing the risk of bleeding. With excessive doses of cod liver oil, vitamin A and vitamin D levels may become too high.

When used topically, there isn’t enough credible information to say whether cod liver oil is safe or what the potential adverse effects are.

Cod liver oil may be safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding if consumed in amounts that do not exceed the recommended daily vitamin A and D requirements. When used in significant amounts, cod liver oil may be dangerous. When pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid taking cod liver oil that contains more than 3000 mcg of vitamin A and 100 mcg of vitamin D.

Children: When taken by mouth in doses that do not exceed the recommended daily intakes of vitamin A and vitamin D, cod liver oil is likely safe for most children. When used in significant amounts, cod liver oil may be dangerous.

Hope it helps!