Difference between good and bad carbs! 

Carbohydrates have a dreadful reputation. When people gain weight, they often blame themselves – but are they the real culprits? 

True, some carbohydrates are bad, but not all carbohydrates are bad. Carbohydrates are significant because they are converted into energy by your body. 

Carbohydrates are found naturally in plant-based diets and are generally healthy carbohydrates. This type of carb is also known as a complex carb, and it helps to keep your digestive system and metabolism in good shape. 

Bad carbohydrates, such as starches and sugars, are added to processed foods, with a range of negative repercussions. Simple carbohydrates are those that are taken into the bloodstream and converted to blood sugar.

Carbohydrates, Simple and Complex 

Carbohydrates are divided into two types: simple and complex carbohydrate. 

The harmful kind of carbs are simple carbs. These are carbohydrates that have been stripped of many of their essential elements. Simple carbohydrates are quickly digested, generating blood sugar rises and making you feel hungry sooner. Overeating, weight gain, and diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure are all linked to the temporary feeling of fullness. 

Simple carbohydrates are found in a variety of meals, including:


Pasta that has been enriched or polished 

Dough that has been enriched or refined 


rice that is white 

The type of carbs that are excellent for you are complex carbs. They’re frequently thick with nutritional layers like bran and fibre, which slow down digestion. Not digesting as quickly results in a slow but consistent release of glucose, which prevents blood sugar spikes. 

Choosing a whole grain substitute for some of the aforementioned popular items has two key advantages. To begin, you get the same food, but as a complex carb with all of the associated benefits. Second, you are less likely to consume processed foods that are high in added sugars.

Sugars, Fibers, and Starches 

Fibers, starches, and sugars are the three types of carbohydrates. 

Plant-based foods are high in fibre. Fiber is a type of complex carbohydrate that isn’t entirely digested. Instead, it travels through your intestines, where it aids in the digestion of other nutrients. It also makes you feel fuller for longer, which helps you avoid overeating. 

Fiber comes from a variety of sources, including: 

Lentils, beans, and peas are examples of legumes. 

Fruits and vegetables whose skins or seeds are edible 

Seeds and nuts 

Quinoa and oats are examples of whole grains. 

Whole grain cereals, brown rice, and pasta are examples of whole grain foods.

Starches are a type of complex carbohydrate. Starches work in the same way as fibre does. They take longer to digest and provide vitamins and minerals. 

Many of the same foods contain starches as well: 

Beans and peas are the most common legumes. 


Grain (whole) 

Corn and potatoes are the most common vegetables. 

Natural and added sugars are the two types of sugar. Sugars, both natural and artificial, are simple carbohydrates, meaning they are readily digested by the body. A sugar crash is characterised by a rapid rise in blood sugar followed by a rapid drop.

Your body is unable to distinguish between natural and added sugar. Consider this: consuming a candy bar only feeds your body with sugar. Fruit still offers sugar, but it also provides vital fibres and carbohydrates to your body.

Carbohydrates That Are Good For You 

You don’t need to be a dietitian or count carbs to reap the benefits of a healthy carbohydrate-rich diet. 

The Plate Method is an effective technique to concentrate on eating nutritious carbs. Fiber-rich, starch-free vegetables should make about half of your plate. A quarter of the plate should be made up of starchy meals, such as potatoes or a fruity dessert. Lean protein should make up the last part of the plate.

Quitting bad carbs might be challenging. Rather than eliminating out portions of your diet, find substitutes. Try sparkling water instead of soda.

Whole-grain bread should be used instead of white bread. You can replace harmful carbs with beneficial carbs with a little effort.