A wound is an injury to the skin that cuts or breaks it. Although most wounds heal naturally over time, there are several things you may do to speed up the process.
A wound exposes the body’s interior tissues to the outside world. Common causes include cuts, blows, and other impacts.
A minor wound can sometimes be treated at home. If they have a more serious injury, such as shattered bones or extensive blood, they should seek medical attention.
Continue reading to learn about six things people may do to help their wounds heal faster and when they should see a doctor.
Methods for hastening wound healing
People can use the following alternative ways and remedies to help wounds heal faster:
1. Antibacterial cream
A wound can be treated with a variety of over-the-counter (OTC) antibiotic ointments, which can help prevent infections. They can also help a wound heal faster.
2. Aloe vera gel
Aloe vera is a plant from the cactus family. It contains a material high in vitamins and minerals.
Aloe vera includes glucomannan, a chemical that promotes cellular regeneration and stimulates the body’s collagen production. This material is a protein that aids in the healing of wounds.
3. Honey
Honey contains antioxidants, antimicrobial agents, and anti-inflammatory compounds.
For a long time, people have utilised the material in traditional wound healing methods.
4. Turmeric powder
Turmeric is a spice derived from the same-named plant. Curcumin, which has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties, is found in it.
To form a paste, combine turmeric and warm water. The paste can then be applied to the wound and covered with a clean bandage.
If someone wants to test turmeric on a wound, they should only use it on closed, mild wounds. An open wound would necessitate the use of medical-grade items that have been approved by a doctor.
5 garlic cloves
Garlic includes allicin, a chemical with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
Several clinical experiments have shown the usefulness of garlic in treating wounds, according to a 2020 review. It was stated that aged garlic extract demonstrated wound healing in preclinical studies.
6. coconut oil
Monolaurin, a fatty acid with antibacterial properties, is found in coconut oil. Fatty acids present in vegetable oils are thought to have an important role in wound healing. Coconut oil can be applied to a wound to help reduce the chance of infection.
Hope it helps!