5 Reasons to Go to Bed Early for Healthier Sleep 


Do you like to stay up late and sleep in as much as possible? To avoid substantial future damage to your overall health, you might choose to flip the switch on your schedule. There are numerous advantages to sleeping earlier each night and developing a sleep habit that includes early awakening. 

Check out the research below to see how changing your biological clock can benefit your health, and then keep reading for five healthy reasons to go to bed early, as well as some simple recommendations on how to fall asleep fast-starting tonight!

Some problems are more common in night owls. 

According to a study from the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom, night owls had a 10% higher chance of dying sooner than persons who go to bed early in the evening. Why is that? The psychological and physiological effects of resetting your body clock include that you feel more stressed, eat later (and hence store more calories), and are less likely to exercise.

Start going to bed one hour earlier each night for several days until your body is adjusted to falling asleep at a normal time to reset your system and reduce your risk of linked cardiovascular and neurological illnesses. The experts recommend spending a few minutes in natural light as soon as you wake up the next morning to cement the changes you’ve made to your body clock, as well as help you feel more alert during the day and sleep better at night.

It is healthy to eat breakfast first thing in the morning. 

The earlier you have breakfast, the lesser your chances of developing diabetes. People who got up between 7 and 8:30 a.m. to eat a healthy breakfast had a lower BMI, better diabetes symptoms, and/or reduced their risk of developing the condition over time, according to a University of Illinois-Chicago study. People who slept later and ate breakfast between 7:30 and 9:00 a.m., on the other hand, had no change in their BMI or existing diabetes symptoms, and had no reduced risk of developing the illness if they didn’t already have it.

Sleep deprivation raises your chance of Alzheimer’s disease. 

According to the National Institutes of Health, losing one night’s sleep increases your risk of acquiring Alzheimer’s by 5%. The cause is an increase in the protein beta-amyloid, which can clump together to create plaque in the thalamus and hippocampus (the brain regions most prone to Alzheimer’s disease). The more sleep you get, the lower your risk is.

It is healthier for your sleep schedule if you go to bed earlier. 

Going to bed earlier can help you maintain a consistent sleep routine. You’ll be able to wake up naturally at at the right moment every morning after you figure out your body’s predetermined “sleep need” amount—no more feeling sluggish as you rush to work. How did you come up with that figure?

Inflammation is caused by a lack of sleep. 

According to researchers at the Ohio State Institute for Behavioral Science, sleeping fewer than seven hours a night can cause inflammation in the body, which can lead to ailments like arthritis. Lack of sleep might also make you more prone to emotional stress, perhaps triggering problems in your relationships, according to the study.

Take care of your health!